Natives grow in a wonderful, wild, changing rainbow of colors and foliage all season long. Luckily, we have the opportunity to restore these native plants to our landscapes and enjoy their diverse beauty. Native plants can be incorporated into the landscape in functional and aesthetic applications, including riparian/streambank areas for erosion control, floodplain and wetland areas, rain gardens and bioretention areas for water quality and flood control as well as landscape borders and beds for beauty and habitat for beneficial insects and wildlife. The large-scale use of natives for ecosystem restoration is also becoming more common, thanks to partnerships between non-profit and government agencies promoting pollinator habitat.
Good Resources To Get You Started:
- MIPN.org Landscape Alternatives for Invasive Plants
- Land to Lake Magazine issue 6, page 4-5
- Northwest Ohio’s Native Plant Guide
Take the ‘1 Foot Challenge’!
Here’s an easy way to ‘start small’ and make a big difference for pollinators: 1-Foot-Challenge.pdf