Compost Your Kitchen & Yard Waste


Composting is a good way to keep nutrients out of our waterways and help improve water quality!

Did you know that one teaspoon of compost enriched soil contains one billion bacteria and several yards of fungal filaments? For those of you wondering if this is a good thing- YES, great for helping your plants grow! Did you know that grass clippings stockpiled near waterways can cause algal blooms and fish kills? Did you know that the average household sends 650 lbs. of compostable material to the land fill every year? Why not take your grass clippings, leaves, yard waste, and kitchen scraps and turn them into valuable soil? Composting is easy! If it is a plant or was once part of a plant, it can be composted.

Techniques vary from the very basic compost piles, to homemade bins, to commercial plastics bins. Successful and odor free composting involves weekly turning and watering along with a correct mix of ‘browns’ (leaves, straw) and ‘greens’ (fruit/vegetable scraps, grass clippings). The brown to green ration should be about 25:1.

Get started —or improve your compost skills— with our Home Composting Guide.

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